Aadhya Biofertilizer Company

Privacy Policy

At Adhya Organic, we are dedicated to safeguarding and preserving your privacy when visiting our website or communicating electronically with us. This Privacy Policy explains what happens to any personal data that you provide to us or that we collect from you while you visit our site.

Information We Collect

We may collect and process the following data about you:

  • Information about your use of our website, including details of your visits such as pages viewed and the resources that you access. This information includes traffic data, location data, and other communication data.
  • Information provided voluntarily by you. For example, when you register for information or make a purchase.
  • Information that you provide when you communicate with us by any means.

Use of Cookies

We may gather information about your general internet use by using cookies. Where used, these cookies are downloaded to your computer and stored on the computer’s hard drive. Such information will not identify you personally. It is statistical data. This statistical data does not identify any personal details whatsoever.

You can adjust the settings on your computer to decline any cookies if you wish. This can be done within the “settings” section of your computer. For more information, please read our Cookie Policy.

Use of Your Information

The information that we collect and store relating to you is used primarily to enable us to provide our services to you. In addition, we may use the information for the following purposes:

  • To provide information to you that you request from us relating to our products or services.
  • To inform you of any changes to our website, services, or goods and products.
  • To improve our website and enhance your experience by analyzing statistical data.

Storing Your Personal Data

We do our utmost to ensure that all reasonable steps are taken to make sure that your data is treated securely and in accordance with this Privacy Policy. Unfortunately, the sending of information via the internet is not totally secure, and on occasion, such information can be intercepted. We cannot guarantee the security of data that you choose to send us electronically. Sending such information is entirely at your own risk.

Third-Party Links

On occasion, we may include links to third parties on this website. Where we provide a link, it does not mean that we endorse or approve that site’s policy towards visitor privacy. You should review their privacy policy before sending them any personal data.

Contact Information

If you have any questions regarding our Privacy Policy, please contact us at [care@adhyaorganic.com].

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